Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 7 – Things Are Moving Along (Tray 4)

So, the experience thus far has been easy enough. I went in for my first cleaning since having the aligners and the mouth full of attachments. My hygienist was amazing (but so is everyone in my dentist’s office). She had no issues working around the attachments and even polished my teeth without any damage to the attachment. Everything feels nice and clean now.
 She also explained that the bonder they use is really strong and very unlikely to break. That the dentist will use a special diamond bit to remove the attachment when the time comes and there will be no damage to the tooth enamel. I found reassuring because I find I often worry that I will break them when I remove my aligners because I have to apply a fair amount of force. So all in all, it’s moving right along on schedule.
I feel well acclimated to the aligners at the moment. I suspect that the week I had the attachments put on may prove to be the worst of my journey. Beyond an occasional poking or hot spot that I have to fix with my special kit, it’s really not bad. And compared to the discomfort my teenage son is experiencing with his traditional braces, I am not complaining. My worst issue with my last set was that my lower aligner dug into my gum at the back of my mouth. It took a few attempts of filing at the spot to get it to a comfortable level. I found that my regular nail file wasn’t precise enough to get it where I needed it to be. I ended up pulling out my electric nail file (which is really battery powered) and that did the trick in a jiffy. I think it cost me about $25 and I got it from Sally Beauty Supply when I got it last year. Now I’m thinking it has well paid for itself to rescue me with my aligners.

So far the progress is slow. I don’t see a huge difference yet. And no, my teeth have not yellowed. It’s just bad lighting when I took the picture. I think the most significant change that I observed is that my upper/lower midlines are starting to center. When I started my lower midline was off to the left. It seems to be closer to center. It’s not “there” yet, but I do notice it on the move.
Again, as I stated last time (and this will probably be my mantra) ortho work is not intended to be a quick fix. It's a process and even baby steps are still steps in the right direction.


As you may recall from last time, I noticed a considerable difference between tray 2 and tray 3 upper arch aligners. The set 3 trays seem to be several millimeters wider than the previous aligners. I took some measurement to see what I could determine (see below for tray 2-3 comparison).

I ended up taking some measurements and noticed that the difference was about 4 millimeters. My husband thought that maybe the difference as because the trays mold themselves to the shape of my mouth over the course, which I thought to be fair question. The only way to know for sure was to take measurements and compare.

Here’s what I found. It does not appear that the trays change significantly. This is especially noticeable when looking at the comparison between my tray 3 and tray 4. There does not appear to be any significantly measurable difference between the arches on the new aligners. So, that lets me think the aligners held position, especially considering that the new one doesn’t grab my cheek the way tray 3 did when I first put it on.

As you will recall I noticed that Invisalign has a registry for your aligners. I wanted to check that out. I ended up going through the process and checking things out. What I discovered is that the registry is in BETA right now. It doesn’t seem to have any significant features that make me want to go back. The most it offers is a calendar where you can set reminders to be texted to your phone. So, if you wanted to set a reminder to change your tray you could do that – or whatever for that matter. You could probably use it for anything you wanted to.
Other than that there doesn’t appear to be anything of value. Sure you can upload your profile pic and change it as your progress, but it’s just as easy to do that on FB or Instagram (easier). I’m not sure I need another place to slap up my image simply for the sake of putting it out there. So, that’s my 2 cents on the registry tool.
This go-round I got three sets of trays (#’s 4-6) so I won’t be due to go back to the dentist for 6 weeks. At that point I will be twelve weeks into this and I am hoping to see some more dramatic changes. But initially looking at the differences between trays 2 and 6 it’s hard to say that HUGE movement is taking place. And considering that I will only be on tray 6 out of 37, I suppose I shouldn’t expect miracles. Mantra: Ortho work is not a quick fix…. Ortho work is not a quick fix….. Everything in its own time.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 5 - Tray Set 3 & Progress Update

Week four was a piece of cake. As soon as my teeth settled down and stopped aching, with the exception of a few hot spots that required the use of my kit, I didn't have any problems. This gives me hope that the whole process won't be too horrible. Every other week might be tough, but at least it won't be every day. Here's the latest image of my smile.

I noted last post that my 19 attachments seemed to multiply my pain level and made my aligners nearly impossible to remove. However, I noticed that by the second week of the tray set, the aligners were significantly more manageable to remove. Don't get me wrong. They are still stubborn, but they are manageable. Top tray is the worst, but I suppose that is because the majority of my attachments are on the upper arch.

It seems like it has been a long time coming to get to this point. I'm changing to my third set of trays tonight. As I noted last time, I was hurting pretty badly after wearing my trays for a few hours. The second day I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. I am delaying using the new trays until after dinner so see if I can minimize some of that pain by sleeping through it. Hopefully that will do the trick. And I will let you know how that worked out.

Now for what you really want to know - how much progress am I seeing in my smile and bite. Well, you be the judge. Here's the progress thus far.

Admittedly, these images look identical and probably appear discouraging, but I have noticed some changes. My lower teeth that are rotating out of the arch appear to have made some movement. And my bite is definitely different. Obviously this is something that the camera will not show.

Yes, it's a small movement, but essentially it's been only a month. So, keep in mind that ortho work is not intended to be a quick fix. It's a process and even baby steps are still steps in the right direction. With my son's braces I didn't notice a change in his look until about the third month. So, I will postpone judgement until then.

I noticed with my new set 3 trays, there is an noticeable difference between the upper arch aligners. The set 3 trays seem to be several millimeters wider than the previous aligners. I tried on the trays this morning to ensure that they went in and noticed that the difference was significant enough to pinch my cheek when the aligners were installed. But they went in.

I am pointing this out because if you've read my back story, you will recall that I have an unusually small upper arch and have concerns about how Invisalign will work with the palatal expansion I need. Of course I do not expect miracles, I am just observant of anything that might suggest arch correction.

My husband brought up a point. He suggested that the trays may conform to my teeth over the next two weeks rather than the other way around. So, this observations may be nothing more than that - an observation. He got me wondering, so I think it's worth investigating.

At the end of the 2 week cycle, I will again compare the two trays and see if the difference is still noticed or if the trays seem to have changed. As soon as I locate my ruler, I will take measurements and post them for a better way to quantify the difference in the aligners and the width of the week 3 set.

Since my set 1 trays were tossed last week in the dental office, I will be using my set 2 trays for points of comparison between trays as I progress. This will also help gauge how effective and fast the aligners are in movement and provide a visual for points of reference.

Next week I go in for my first cleaning since having the aligners and attachments. I am curious how the attachments will work out for the hygienist. According to the Invisalign site, the product that makes the speed bumps on my teeth will be removed using a polishing tool that is used during cleaning. So I imagine that I won't be having my teeth polished, but we'll see.

Also, I noticed on the bags the aligners come in that there is an Invisalign registry. I will be registering my aligners on their site and let you know if it unlocks any features that might prove useful.